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Notre histoire

L'équipe Santé Ontario de Durham (ÉSO) est un groupe collaboratif d'organisations et de conseillers des patients, des familles et des partenaires de soins travaillant en partenariat pour améliorer l'accès et la prestation de services de santé coordonnés. Le groupe est composé de partenaires de tout le continuum de soins, y compris les fournisseurs de soins primaires, les hôpitaux, les services de santé mentale et de lutte contre les dépendances, les services de soutien social, les services de soutien à domicile et en milieu communautaire et les soins de longue durée.

Le ministère de la Santé (MOH) a annoncé les premiers ESO de la province en décembre 2020. L'ESO de Durham faisait partie de ce groupe.

Alors que le groupe de partenariat principal de Durham OHT est composé de 18 organisations signataires, il existe un large soutien de plus de 70 partenaires de soins de santé dans la région de Durham, représentant diverses organisations des secteurs de la santé, social, de l'éducation et privé.

Notre comité

La structure de gouvernance de l'OHT de Durham continue de favoriser une culture de confiance fondée sur l'inclusion et le leadership partagé. Au cours du premier trimestre de l'exercice 2021-2022, nos partenaires ont travaillé avec diligence sur l'évolution de notre cadre décisionnel et de notre modèle de gouvernance afin de mieux s'aligner sur nos priorités et domaines d'intervention actuels et de les soutenir, et ont réussi à atterrir sur la prochaine itération du Structure de gouvernance de l'OHT de Durham. Cela comprenait la création de la table de direction exécutive (ELT) et la transformation du comité directeur de l'OHT de Durham en conseil de collaboration de l'OHT de Durham. des soins régionaux et intégrés incluant une représentation sectorielle de tout le continuum de soins. 

The Durham Ontario Health Team Executive Leadership Table (ELT) is responsible for developing and overseeing the implementation of the Durham Ontario Health Team’s (Durham OHT) annual operational work plans.  These duties include:

  • Reviewing and approving decisions related to the allocation and sharing of costs and resources, including funding earmarked for the Durham OHT including but not limited to human resources, capital, facilities, and costs related to supporting the work of the Durham OHT;

  • Leading formal and informal consultation activities with members of the Durham OHT Sector Network Tables, Collaboration Council and other relevant key stakeholder groups as part of the ELT’s review and approval process;

  • Providing Executive Sponsor level support to the Durham OHT Strategic Implementation Lead;

A coalition of partners that is committed to a common set of principles and goals to improve health and wellness across Durham.  We are committed to achieving those goals through engagement and partnering with patients/clients, families, and care partners and each other.  

Lead work focused on strengthening Durham OHT Partner Engagement and enhancing engagement with local communities to inform planning and build awareness of Durham OHT work.

The Digital Health & Data Governance Working Group is responsible for overseeing the execution of the Harmonized Information Management Plan and set priorities and direction in the OHT’s digital health initiatives, data governance and analytical capabilities. As an action-oriented committee, members are expected to develop, resource and execute project plans which include:

  • Ensuring information management initiatives align with overall organization goals

  • Legal requirements are met when information and data is shared among stakeholders,

  • Standards of information protection and ethical practices are consistently observed on OHT Projects, and

  • A consistent and meaningful view of the data is provided to other OHT working groups and the Digital

Le conseil consultatif régional des patients, des familles et des partenaires de soins (PFCPAC) de l'équipe Santé Ontario de Durham (ESO de Durham) travaillera en collaboration avec les partenaires de l'ESO de Durham pour s'assurer que l'engagement, le partenariat et la conception conjointe avec les patients, les familles et les partenaires de soins sont intégrés dans tous Activités de l'OHT de Durham afin d'améliorer le système de soins de santé et sociaux et de soutien aux résidents de la région de Durham.

The Durham OHT Performance and Evaluation Committee is focused on supporting the translation of system, provincial level goals related to performance measurement, quality and evaluation to our local Durham region context.  This includes:

  • Collaborating with both Durham Service provider organizations, supporting Quality and Performance networks (i.e. HSPN, RISE) and  equivalent committees in other OHTs in the development of a larger system performance framework for OHT-Durham including but not limited to the identification of shared quality improvement objectives and the development of Collaborative Quality Improvement Plans (QIPs)

  • Supporting the monitoring and evaluation of existing OHT funded initiatives and the performance and evaluation frameworks of new initiatives to assist in ensuring progress in improving quality of care for target OHT priority populations

  • Providing oversight to quarterly performance data submissions to Ontario Health

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Our Projects

The Omicron variant had a significant impact on the volumes in the emergency departments in Durham Region which brought together a working group in late December 2021. The COVID-19 Response Working Group focused on the rapid implementation of strategic initiatives to support system planning by working collaboratively to advance Emergency Department Diversion initiatives across the Lakeridge Health System. To assist with ensuring continued access to acute care hospital services during the fifth wave, a communication strategy was developed and an urgent Call to Action was initiated resulting in expanded community-based primary care clinic hours and increased access to virtual care. The Durham Ontario Health Team hosted its first Virtual Community Town Hall meeting on January 20, 2022. The event provided an opportunity for Durham Region residents to connect with primary care leaders to address questions and concerns regarding wave five of the pandemic in addition to sharing key messages related to accessing care. Over 658 people joined the event live and 3,327 attendees participated virtually. The OHT also hosted several professional development webinars that were focused on ED Diversion, our Durham Region’s Integrated COVID-19 Response and the Introduction of Antiviral Treatment Paxlovid. 

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